

產(chǎn)品名稱: 西班牙瓊脂糖
產(chǎn)品型號: Biowest 111860
產(chǎn)品展商: 其它品牌
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無相關(guān)文檔



西班牙瓊脂糖  的詳細介紹
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  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:西班牙瓊脂糖
    品牌及貨號:Biowest 111860
    西班牙瓊脂糖 其他相關(guān)產(chǎn)品:(大量現(xiàn)貨)
    Ron (1B5) Mouse mAb,貨號:CST 4269S,規(guī)格:100 ul RTK
    Non-phospho-beta-Catenin (Ser33/37/Thr41) Antibody,貨號:CST 4270S,規(guī)格:100 ul Developmental Biology
    WASP (D9C8) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4271S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
    Cytochrome c Antibody,貨號:CST 4272S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    FasL Antibody,貨號:CST 4273S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    ATP2A1/SERCA1 (A988) Antibody,貨號:CST 4274S,規(guī)格:100 ul Ca, cAMP and Lipid Signaling
    Granzyme B Antibody,貨號:CST 4275S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    Phospho-CREB (Ser133) (D1G6) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4276P,規(guī)格:40 ul Neuroscience
    Phospho-CREB (Ser133) (D1G6) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4276S,規(guī)格:100 ul Neuroscience
    Phospho-Rb (Ser807/811) (D20B12) XP(R) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 488 Conjugate),貨號:CST 4277S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    Phospho-S6 Ribosomal Protein (Ser240/244) (61H9) Rabbit mAb (Biotinylated),貨號:CST 4278S,規(guī)格:100 ul Translational Control
    Pan-Keratin (C11) Mouse mAb (Biotinylated),貨號:CST 4279S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
    Cytochrome c (136F3) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4280S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    Phospho-Myt1 (Ser83) Antibody,貨號:CST 4281S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    Myt1 Antibody,貨號:CST 4282P,規(guī)格:40 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    Myt1 Antibody,貨號:CST 4282S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    MyD88 (D80F5) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4283S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    Phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) (Thr202/Tyr204) (D13.14.4E) XP(R) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 647 Conjugate),貨號:CST 4284S,規(guī)格:100 ul MAP Kinase Signaling
    alpha-Tubulin (11H10) Rabbit mAb (Biotinylated),貨號:CST 4285S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cytoskeletal Signaling
    Oct-4 (9B7) Mouse mAb,貨號:CST 4286S,規(guī)格:100 ul Developmental Biology
    Phospho-AS160 (Thr642) Antibody,貨號:CST 4288S,規(guī)格:100 ul Metabolism
    K48-linkage Specific Polyubiquitin Antibody,貨號:CST 4289S,規(guī)格:100 ul Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like proteins
    HER2/ErbB2 (D8F12) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4290P,規(guī)格:40 ul RTK
    HER2/ErbB2 (D8F12) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4290S,規(guī)格:100 ul RTK
    PI3 Kinase p85 Antibody,貨號:CST 4292S,規(guī)格:100 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
    PHLDA3 Antibody,貨號:CST 4294S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    E-Cadherin (24E10) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 555 Conjugate),貨號:CST 4295S,規(guī)格:100 ul Adhesion/ECM
    hnRNP A1 (K350) Antibody,貨號:CST 4296S,規(guī)格:100 ul Translational Control
    CHFR Antibody,貨號:CST 4297S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    Akt (pan) (40D4) Mouse mAb (HRP Conjugate),貨號:CST 4298S,規(guī)格:100 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
    IRF-4 (D43H10) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4299S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    PDAP1 Antibody,貨號:CST 4300S,規(guī)格:100 ul Developmental Biology
    p47phox (D21F6) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4301S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    IRF-3 (D83B9) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4302S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    Phospho-SAPK/JNK (Thr183/Tyr185) (81E11) Rabbit mAb (Sepharose Bead Conjugate),貨號:CST 4306S,規(guī)格:400 ul MAP Kinase Signaling
    Thymidine Phosphorylase/ECGF1 (D69B12) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4307S,規(guī)格:100 ul Apoptosis
    Tuberin/TSC2 (D93F12) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4308P,規(guī)格:40 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
    Tuberin/TSC2 (D93F12) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4308S,規(guī)格:100 ul PI3K / Akt Signaling
    Phospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139) (20E3) Rabbit mAb (Biotinylated),貨號:CST 4309S,規(guī)格:100 ul Chromatin Regulation / Nuclear Function
    Phospho-p40phox (Thr154) Antibody,貨號:CST 4311S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    p47phox Antibody,貨號:CST 4312S,規(guī)格:100 ul Immunology and Inflammation
    Skp2 (L70) Antibody,貨號:CST 4313S,規(guī)格:100 ul Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like proteins
    Rab25 Antibody,貨號:CST 4314S,規(guī)格:100 ul Protein Folding and Trafficking
    FMRP Antibody,貨號:CST 4317S,規(guī)格:100 ul Translational Control
    Acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys14) Antibody,貨號:CST 4318S,規(guī)格:100 ul Chromatin Regulation / Nuclear Function
    Mer (D21F11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4319P,規(guī)格:40 ul RTK
    Mer (D21F11) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4319S,規(guī)格:100 ul RTK
    Phospho-MAPKAPK-2 (Thr334) (27B7) Rabbit mAb (Alexa Fluor(R) 647 Conjugate),貨號:CST 4320S,規(guī)格:100 ul MAP Kinase Signaling
    RAD21 (D213) Antibody,貨號:CST 4321S,規(guī)格:100 ul Cell Cycle / Checkpoint Control
    Phospho-Stat5 (Tyr694) (D47E7) XP(R) Rabbit mAb,貨號:CST 4322P,規(guī)格:40 ul Immunology and Inflammation

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    systembio| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294773_systembio_1.html;
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    targetingsystems| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294775_targetingsystems_1.html;